Regaining Financial Security After Gambling Addiction

On April 24th, 2014, after months of contemplating and the attention of a stranger who opened my eyes to the possibilities of the world, I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years. He called me every night before he went to bed. He texted me every day to see how my day was going. He wanted to be with me all of the time and would be disappointed if I had other plans or if I just wanted to sleep. He referred to me as the love of his life and the best thing that ever happened to him in front of anyone who would listen and he couldn’t wait for me to move in. He had a friend take me ring shopping less than a year in even though I wasn’t ready to get married yet. About 5 months into our 5-year relationship, he told me he loved me.

  • I am afraid because he told me if I try to take money from our business that we built together, he will bury me and make sure I live on skids row.
  • It took me refusing a lot of additional requests for him to finally get the message.
  • These are not necessarily the views of Addiction Hope, but an effort to offer discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.
  • “I can assure you that they’ll never again, because it’s been too horrifically hard for them,” says Marron, who works for Tampa Bay, Fla.-based Innovative Mortgage Services.
  • But I didn’t know someone would be so manipulative and degrading.

The truth is, you deserve respect, and tenderness, even if you are not perfect. That doesn’t mean he was evil, it just means he had his own issues, and they were not your fault. Im almist positive ive been in a relationship with a narcissist for 4 yrs.. He drank himself to death four years later. We were divorced at the time but i still loved him imminsl y. He was eleven days shy of turning 21, they were fighting, i wasn t home so he couln t come after me therefore his son would take his abuse. Writing this song helped me get through the pain I had experienced and helped me grow positive from the situation.

Facts and Figures about American Debt

The lier has to be tripped up in their own lies in an exceedingly profound way with the victim watching. For my me, it was when my ex told me “I don’t like you, I don’t like who you are, I don’t want to be with you, but I will stay if you get me pregnant. If you aren’t willing to get me pregnant, I will find someone who will.” It was … shocking. It was instantly clear that even if she was telling that in complete honesty, the marriage was over. But it was also starkly obvious to me that she wasn’t being honest. She was just trying to get me to agree in order to cling to her more.

  • Why any woman on a Narcissist Victim Recovery Website would help a Malignant Narcissist carry out more treachery, is beyond me.
  • They don not have a “heart” or a conscience.
  • Or if we fought and he went to bed instead of making sure I was okay.
  • I had noticed that he seemed to maintain contact with every female who’d rejected him.
  • Banks and loan servicers continue to resist modifying mortgages for struggling borrowers.

Her father and I respect and admire that, but only to a point. She is losing herself being with this person.

Trustee Alleges That Debtor Sold Its Most Valuable Asset In The Middle Of Its Bankruptcy Case

I’ve only been with him for 10 months (as described above, things moved VERY fast with us – a warning sign I wasn’t aware of until now), so his damage has been limited thank goodness. I am strong individual when I am not around him, but with him, I am weak. He takes pride in this I am certain, although he will deny it and acts shocked and hurt when I have told him in the past of being scared of him. I lie to him often, because I feel that is the safest way sometimes, and it angers him so much, but the truth angers him just as much. Oh by the way, he used to call ME a narcissist. The first time he call me this, I didn’t know what it was so I went to google it and I thought … oh ..

Foreclosure Scams

Scammers may offer to “help” you make your mortgage payments, but they’re just trying to take your money. Find out how to detect, report, and protect yourself against these scams.Foreclosure SchemesThese scam operators find potential victims in several ways:Advertising (on radio, online, and in local publications)Contacting people whose homes appear in the foreclosure notices in a local newspaperTargeting specific religious or ethnic groupsBe aware of these tricks that scammers use:Offering to act as a go-between with your lender or to negotiate with your lender to refinance your loanAdvising you that they can stop foreclosure by ”helping” you file for bankruptcy.Encouraging you to sign fake foreclosure rescue or mortgage documentsClaiming that they can perform a forensic mortgage loan audit to help you hold onto your homeOffering you fake legal helpMaking promises to help you keep or sell your home, for a feeReport Foreclosure ScamsFile a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).If the scam involves…  Ещё

Household debt has been growing for five years, but mortgage balance growth has been on a slower incline since it stopped declining in 2013. There are a number of legal protections for paying back money owed to creditors and also protection from illicit debt-collection practices. There are a small number of federal regulations, and many states use them exclusively. Other states built in varying laws for their residents. Among them are California, Texas, Florida and New York. Among the laws are protections for credit-card holders. There are many layers that you have to peel.

Philly woman, after many failed attempts, takes ‘savage’ approach to addiction recovery

Sacrifice is part of any recovery, whether that means no longer hanging out with old friends or cutting down on luxuries and comforts. Start your admission process online today. Credit Cards —Credit-card loans were $820 billion in Q4 of rebuilding your life after addiction 2020, reflecting a drop in consumer spending during the pandemic after this debt category peaked at $930 billion a year earlier. Credit card debt actually fell in 2020, the first drop in any major consumer debt category in seven years.

Rental Scams

Rental scams happen when either a property owner or potential tenant misrepresents themselves. Rental scams also misrepresent the terms and availability of a rental property. Fake ads and fake responses to rental ads can hurt both tenants and property owners.Scams Targeting RentersIf you’re searching for rental properties, it’s important to learn about rental scams. Report Scams Targeting RentersReport a rental scam to your state consumer protection or local law enforcement.If you found the rental ad online, report the scam to the website where it was posted. Also, file a report with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center.How to Protect Yourself from Scams Targeting RentersBe suspicious that the property or transaction could be a scam if:The advertised price is much lower than that of similar properties.Ads for the property have grammatical and spelling errors, or overuse capital letters.The ad uses uncommon spellings of words, like “favour” instead of “favor.”You can only work…  Ещё

“The problem with this program is not that it is in and of itself a scam — if the buyer and seller both understood the potential outcomes of the arrangement,” says Jones-Cox. “Many sellers cry ‘foul’ about this deal months later, when they’re being evicted for non-payment of rent.”

Dealing With Overwhelming Debt

Best thing you can do is learn how to be happy without them. It’s hard at fist but I have been Narcissists free for ten years.

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